
Creating HTML

The markdown_to_html() function takes Markdown text and returns the equivalent HTML.

>>> import docupy
>>> docupy.markdown_to_html("HTML is easy.")
'<p>HTML is easy.</p>'
>>> docupy.markdown_to_html("HTML is easy.\n\nNew paragraph.\r\n\r\nThird.")
'<p>HTML is easy.</p>\n<p>New paragraph.</p>\n<p>Third.</p>'


Basic formatting is applied as follows:

  • Italics text is created by *surrounding with asterisks*.

  • Bold text is created by **surrounding with double asterisks**.

  • Links are created like: [text](path).

  • External links use curly braces: {text}(path).

  • Strikethrough text uses tildes: ~~deleted text~~.

Special Blocks

Headings begin with # characters. One is a <h1>, two is a <h2>, and so on.

Images use ![alt text](link/to/image) notation.

Videos use !(link/to/video) notation.

YouTube embeds use !{youtube_id} notation.

Code can be embedded in ` characters.

You can provide a lookup dictionary to substitute words for paths when rendered. For example the block ![alt text](seaside-2) when rendered with {"seaside-2": "path/to/image"} will point in the right place.

Group blocks

Bullet pointed lists (-) and numbered lists will be detected automatically.


Any HTML tags in the markdown will be escaped, preventing (among other things) the arbitrary injection of JavaScript via submitted markdown.


# An example document

This is the *first* paragraph.

This is the **second** paragraph.

This is the ~~second~~ third paragraph.

## Some Links

Here is [a link](https://example.com/).

[This whole paragraph is a link.](https://example2.com/)

### Special Example...

{This link}(https://example3.com/) opens in a new tab.

You [can](https://example.com/) have {multiple}(https://example3.com/) links!

## Media

![Image here!](/images/logo.png)



### Inline Media

\!As a side note, incorporating !{blocks} in paragraphs has no
effect. See - !(/videos/vid.mp4).

## Escaping

You can escape characters like \*this\* and \[this](see!).

<script>Evil Javascript</script>


<h1>An example document</h1>
<p>This is the <em>first</em> paragraph.</p>
<p>This is the <strong>second</strong> paragraph.</p>
<p>This is the <del>second</del> third paragraph.</p>
<h2>Some Links</h2>
<p>Here is <a href="https://example.com/">a link</a>.</p>
<p><a href="https://example2.com/">This whole paragraph is a link.</a></p>
<h3>Special Example...</h3>
<p><a href="https://example3.com/" target="_blank">This link</a> opens in a new tab.</p>
<p>You <a href="https://example.com/">can</a> have <a href="https://example3.com/" target="_blank">multiple</a> links!</p>
<figure><img src="/images/logo.png" title="Image here!"></figure>
<video src="/videos/vid.mp4" controls></video>
<div class="youtube"><iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/zhbnwPAlKxs/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
<h3>Inline Media</h3>
<p>!As a side note, incorporating !{blocks} in paragraphs has no effect. See - !(/videos/vid.mp4).</p>
<p>You can escape characters like *this* and [this](see!).</p>
<p>&#60;script&#62;Evil Javascript&#60;/script&#62;</p>